Here is my checklist of items I thought were a good idea to pack for baby, I just packed everything in his diaper bag. I pieced together a little checklist of what friends recommend I bring, also some other items I thought would come in handy from reading online. Plus my hospital gave us a list of what they recommend to bring as well. Since I am writing this before my due date, I plan on sharing a revised version of what “you actually need” 🙂
Hahaha I this picture I totally do not look like I am 34 weeks pregnant! Pictures can be very deceiving
Notebook/Pen or Phone: I have been told that you are given a lot of advice from nurses and doctors before you leave the hospital, so I think it would be nice to have have a little note pad to jot all that info down, or you could just use your phone.
Folder: A folder I think would come in handy, to keep all handouts that you are given (plus all the forms that you need to fill out and bring with you to the hospital) I think it will be nice to have all those important forms in a spot where you can grab them quick!
Baby’s Outfit to go home in: A cute little outfit for baby, we are having Mason in the winter time so I made sure to pack nice warm things for baby.
Diapers: I was told to bring 24-36 diapers from my hospital.
Vitamin D-Drops: We were told by the hospital to bring these for baby.
Wipes: Not sure if I will use them but, I also packed a thing of baby wipes.
Soothers: I have been told that soothers can be great for the ride home, if your baby will take it.
Scratch mittens: I decided to bring a couple pairs, since baby could scratch himself. Plus they will help keep his hands warm on the ride home.
Hat: Apparently the hospital will give you one but just in case I will be taking one, and he will need it for the ride home because he will be born in the winter.
Receiving blanket: Receiving blankets can be used for a variety of different things. Wrapping your baby up,used as a nursing cover if you’re not feeling comfortable whipping your boobs out in front of everyone, and also great for blocking any wind while carrying baby to car. Also was told to add a swaddle blanket because the hospital ones are a little small.
Breast Pump: I wanted to bring my breast pump because my hospital gives you one on one with a lactation consultant after baby is born if you chose to breast feed. I want to make sure I end up using it properly.
Car seat: This is a obvious must, hospitals do not allow you to leave with your baby without having a rear facing car seat installed. We installed the base at the beginning of December so we were prepared and a week before baby’s due we plan to have the car seat waiting at the front door ready to go!
What’s in the picture? 1. Heavy Duty Blanket for bring home baby 2. Vitamin D Drops 3. Wipes 4. Medela Breast Pump 5. Soother 6. Baby Bum Cream (don’t know if I will actually need it) 7. Baby Bulb Syringe 8. Notepad 9. Baby Nail Clipper & File 10. Notepad (oops #’ed it twice) 11. Diapers (Newborn Size) 12. Folder 13. Baby Bag/ Diaper Bag 14. Scratch Mittens 15. Receiving Blanket 16. Going Home Outfit (2) 17. Hat
UPDATE** Sorry this update was so late! Some of the items I had packed for baby mason I didn’t end up using! Here is an actual list that I did use. I wrote this article before I had my baby, I was going off of what others had recommended and a lot you do not need.
Blanket, Soother (helped with getting him to learn how to suck), Diapers, Folder, Going home outfit, and baby hat. That is it folks!!