Hey Guys, thanks for reading if you would like to contact me, you can always email your questions and or comments at

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  1. Chris & Bev Rupke says:

    Hey Sammy, Thanks for taking the time to write this blog. We’ve just discovered it for the first time tonight and loved going through all yours and Jeremy’s travel pictures on it, and also hearing updates on the journey into motherhood. We’re looking forward to hearing how the next ultrasound goes, and even seeing it again, if you don’t mind sending us a copy of Mason (nice name 🙂 ).

    Lots of love to all 3 of you from both of us, Bev & Chris

    • Sammy1 says:

      I am glad that you guys find it interesting, because it is so addicting to do! I find it a good way to share my experiences in life with others

  2. Chris & Bev Rupke says:

    Loved looking up your recipes. You need to add the salad you made for the rehearsal dinner – it was delicious! Also, do you have any great meal ideas for large groups? Like a stew or casserole for 30 or more people? We have a big group coming for lunch soon. Would LOVE your thoughts and expertise.
    Thanks for sharing those recipes and stories.
    oxoxox B&C

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